Surfers Paradise

18 Dec

Next stop was Surfers Paradise, yes this is the actual name of the place. It was a lovely place, with a great beach. It is a little funny that it is called Surfers Paradise, as we did not actually see that many surfers there at all. It is definitely more of a holiday destination.

We spent most of the days relaxing on the beach, playing in the sand and jumping through massive waves.

We also went out for Blaine’s birthday! Was a lovely evening starting with drinks at some of the bars by the beach, then we went to a restaurant where they cook in front of us. Blaine had kangaroo and I got to taste some for the first time, and it was actually not that bad. The food at the restaurant was really nice and the chef entertained us with chucking food at us (into our mouths) and juggling salt and pepper holders. The night ended at the beach drinking a few beers, a very successful evening.

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