Nasca Lines

27 Mar

I’m now in Nasca, which was a “desert-scorched dead town” until the mysterious Nasca Lines were discovered in the desert floor.


Now your thinking what is she on about, well ill explain to you…the Nasca Lines are these lines which were made thousands of years ago in the desert, there is more than 800 lines including some 70 animal drawings across 500 sq km plain desert. And the best part is that nobody knows who constructed these lines and drawings or even why, people can only come up with different theories.  So, lucky as I am (and John of cause) we got a mini plane over these. I was excited enough only getting into this plane (and nervous) but then to see this amazing historical whatever it is, it just made my day. Sorry for being all “historian” on you.




2 Responses to “Nasca Lines”

  1. mamma March 27, 2011 at 11:55 am #

    Hei Kathrine, det er spennande aa sjekka om det er noge nytt fra deg kvar dag. Takk for at du dele reise opplevelsene med oss. Masse klemmer fra mamma og bryan

  2. Jens Georg March 29, 2011 at 8:13 pm #

    Eg e så missunlige!!!

    Her e det snø , snø å atter snø…

    Kos dokke ei heile gru.. !

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