Geysers And Hot Springs

22 Apr


Our last day of the salar tour. We got up at 5am and headed for the geysers (hot air being sprayed up from the underground). It was extremely cold outside, but i guess that is what you get when your at very high altitude before the sun rise. It was really smelly as well!  

Then we took a bath in the hot-springs, warming ourselves up. To explain the contrast; our bathing clothes froze when we tried ty dry them afterwards, it was that cold! 

One Response to “Geysers And Hot Springs”

  1. Marie May 6, 2011 at 6:37 pm #

    Ser at dokke fortsatt kose dokke ja! 😛 Utruligt kule bilder frå d salt-greiene! Håpe alt står bra te og at dokke har d superfint! 😀 Savne deg masse massevis! Glede meg te me ska skypast!

    Ps. kjekt at du kom innom bloggen min! Har hatt øve 400 treff så långt i dag!?! Å kjekt å hørra at vottane du fekk av meg kom te nytte på andra siå av jorå! 😛

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